mossimo dress lent to me by my friend

This isn't exactly a style post, just a little update. We spent the weekend at the lake where this picture was taken. I'm 21.5 weeks along and so happy to be feeling good. My rings still fit! After a week of total debauchery in the eating department, I'm going to be focusing on eating well and walking this week. Sam and I are starting this emeals subscription that you can customize for your diet needs. It's basically a weekly menu with grocery list to simplify life. I find the less I have to think about dinner, the better! For this week's Healthy Pregnancy, I'm going to be doing a post on cravings and how to manage them. I'm writing it as much for me as for you. Trust. My cravings lately have been cereal and Pellegrino's blood orange sparkling water. SO good and both of which I don't normally buy.

I want to hear your cravings... for research purposes. Also, you don't have to be pregnant to have cravings, so bring 'em on!