Drunken Bananas Foster

Let me start by saying that I am not drunk... the bananas are. We are iced in and I have to tell you, I am loving it. As a total homebody, I live for snow days. Two weeks ago when we were

snowed in


my neighbor Travis brought over some bananas foster and I've been literally fantasizing about it. His secret: coconut oil. It crystalizes making the most amazing frozen crunch. Today while the girls were "sleeping" (Matilda was but baby Phoebes just isn't having it) I whipped this up. A few of you asked about the recipe on




(I even received a text from a friend. ha!) so I wanted to share the drunken banana love.

Drunken Bananas Foster

adapted from

this recipe

serves 3-4

You will need:

- 3 bananas, cut lengthwise and cross wise

- 1/3 cup brown sugar

- 1/4 cup coconut oil

- 3 1/2 T whiskey (I used some my mom brought back from Ireland! Rum works too)

- 1 1/2 T vanilla

- 1/2 t cinnamon

- handful of coarsely chopped pecans

- a pint of high quality vanilla bean ice cream

Heat the oil and sugar over low heat. Once it begins to heat up and bubble add the vanilla and whiskey as well as the cinnamon and pecans. Let this cook down for a few minutes while stirring frequently until it begins to caramelize. Lastly, heat the bananas until warm. In a glass scoop heaping spoonfuls of vanilla bean ice cream, drizzle with sauce, add more ice cream, more sauce and bananas, more ice cream and then bananas and sauce. Sprinkle brown sugar to finish it off. Enjoy!

milk glasses can be found right










