It's amazing what a week of winter break and a sprinkle of snow days can do to my productivity level over here but honestly these lazy days at home have been pretty perfect. I'm an introvert mostly so the winter days and clearer calendar are a-ok with me. I turned 34 this past sunday. I'm rapidly approaching a new age bracket. Couldn't tell you what's in fashion right now, pretty much wear the same thing everyday and I'm drinking more tea than cocktails these days. I really like this season. Even though I did the birthday sobbing that I do every year on my birthday (what is with that?! am I the only one?), I feel content most days. My focus has changed a lot over the last year, I've tried to set up more boundaries and I've recognized my own limits. I realized that I had lost a lot of what I love about blogs and what inspires me. I am a big fan of just sharing your life and finding a good mix and I think I just sort of needed to reboot my creativity. In fact, I think this may be the longest I've gone without posting in 6 years, even longer than in those first months of morning sickness.

I'm in the middle of brainstorming right now and getting excited about creating something that I'm passionate about and that will hopefully inspire and help others to live happy and healthy lives. I want to empower people to find what makes them happy, what makes them feel their best. I've had to make some tough changes to my lifestyle to feel my best and I totally understand how hard that can be. Giving up coffee, dairy, sugar, alcohol and fruit is no walk in the park but I want to be able to share that journey in a really beautiful way because I feel so much better and I want other people to feel better too! Also, not suggesting this to be necessary for everyone, just me and hopefully just temporarily.

All of my "whys" are for my family. I want to be balanced and free to be with them when they need me. I've found so much joy and simplicity in helping friends and family on their oil journeys and just being a mama and wife. Not having constant looming deadlines has done wonders for my soul. I'm so thankful that there is freedom to evolve and change. Every year I'm just amazed at what God is doing in our lives. I have grown SO much when I look back over the last 10 years. I seriously don't even recognize that person. Thank heavens for grace and growth! Here's to a shiny, new year to focus on health and blessing others. Now, back to this slow snow day with the biggest flakes I ever did see! XO

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Lesley34, birthday, thoughts2 Comments