Sam picked up this gingerbread house kit for us to make together yesterday. I love that it's all natural. To decorate we used goji berries, dried blueberries, and shredded coconut. Take that fake food. Matilda LOVED spreading on the icing, eating the cookies, eating the cookies, and eating the cookies. HA! "Mama, can I eat this?" x 1000.

The last couple of days she has not wanted to nap (Christmas excitement, sugar overload, Sam and I both at home?). It makes me feel panicky about getting work done next year without sacrificing our time together. Just a lot of jitters lately, about the new space, working from home, letting people down.I am SO thankful for all of your kind words and encouragement on my move. It took a long time to work up the nerve. Thank you, thank you for making a girl feel so good. - Lesley

PS In case you can't tell the gingerbread men are making snow angels.
PPS Have you tried Whole Food's eggnog icecream? don''t.