Top: similar here/ Jeans: here/ Shoes: here

First of all let me be the first to say that I don't consider myself a fashion blogger in the slightest, but I thought doing a maternity style series would be a fun way to document my growing bump. I didn't document my pregnancy with Matilda and since I'm pretty sure this will be our last baby, I thought I should! I always appreciate a stylishly dressed pregnant woman and thought this would motivate me to put in a little effort. With Matilda I wore cargo pants and flip flops everyday, so I'm taking it up a notch!

Right now I'm feeling really good, I just get tired exhausted (and a little cranky) around bedtime (ok 8pm). I'm trying to alleviate that crash with walking Guinness after dinner. I've been really enjoying being in my second trimester and my appetite has started to come back, not like crazy back but mostly. I still get a little skeeved out by certain foods (fish, chicken, mostly of the animal variety).

Matilda is obsessed with watching the Baby Center videos of the "drawing babies." They have these great videos of growth and development and she loves them. I installed these two apps: BabyCenter "My Pregnancy today and BabyBump to keep track of what's going on. Every now and then I remember there's a baby inside me and it's like, "Whoa, that's crazy."