Weekend Notes 16 + The Atlanta Botanical Garden

I don't know about you but this has been our first week of "summer" and we are definitely all adjusting. Matilda wants to wake up at the crack of dawn and party until it's dark. She's obsessed with playing games and today she set up the "dressing room" which was a shop of merchandised outfits that she hung up on bungee cords. She picked out outfits for me (even put my shoes on for me - amazing customer service) and painted my nails and fixed my hair. It was perfect really. Only problem is I didn't have a second to work. Not sure how to get us on an "afternoon rest" schedule. Any advice?

I told Sam today that I'm most aware of the girls' age gap right now. Matilda wants to play "Go Fish" and this game and talk and draw and Phoebe wants to run amuck, so I'm typically like, "Hold on honey I've got to watch Phoebe for a second," etc. I'm trying really hard to have one on one time with Tilda and Phoebe. It's tricky right now.

We spent the morning with my mama at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. We loved it so much that we signed up for a membership. I could have walked around the winding paths for hours and the green houses were completely surreal. I can't wait to go back. Next time I'll send the girls in bathing suits so they can hang out in the splash pad.
Some other things:

This is a yummy recipe for asparagus and yogurt dip that I shared on seed factory's wonderful blog last week. Light + fresh and perfect for the count down to summer challenge.

I quoted from this book a few days ago and I am just really loving Home-Making by JR Miller. The lovely Kristin Rogers turned me onto it and I'm so thankful. I felt like I learned more about how to treat my husband in one paragraph than anything else I've learned over almost 10 years of marriage.

Matilda's recital is this weekend and I can't wait to see her dance.

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