2018 Goals + Thoughts


Confession, I'm a goal junkie. I love routine, thrive on productivity and freaking LOVE the start of a new year (any Enneagram Type 3's out there?!). Clean slate, fresh opportunities, a time of reflection and hibernating. Give.me.January. This January has however been different. Snow day after snow day, school holidays, and zero structure. Last week + hormones about did.me.in. Always such an incredible reminder that God is in control, we are not. Amen.

So on my first working Monday I'm collecting myself and thinking about what really matters and what I want to see happen in 2018. My word for the year is a little fuzzy but the word "create" keeps coming back to me: more of what makes me feel alive and less productivity for productivity's sake. It can get quite dull when it feels like groundhog day and I've made an effort to work on trying new things and mixing things up!

Faith - work through the One Year Plan on the youversion app. The phone can bring a LOT of distractions so I try and read the word before the world (love that saying!!) by getting up early and going straight to the app! I love how streamlined and simple it is.

Family - tech free hours reign supreme. Focusing on my girls without distractions in both the mornings and afternoons. I want them to know BOUNDARIES with technology and more is caught than taught. This has been a major opportunity for me with a home based business to make it happen. I want date nights with Sam weekly (even if we are just home!) and to travel somewhere new as a family this year!

Fitness - to move daily in some capacity. I tend to be all or nothing with working out. I need balance. Working on 3 intense workouts a week and the Tone it Up Daily Moves, well daily. ;)

Field - work has been my top priority while getting my business up and off the ground. I've put a lot of things on the back burner to make things work so now I'm working on being smarter with my time with content creation on the weekends and scheduling posts so that I can be more present during the week. Loving this book.

Finances - pay off our cars is our top financial goal! We want to remove as much debt as possible. We are also hiring people that can help us (hallelujah!!) and getting together once a week to catch up on finances, quick books, etc. Sam spent all weekend working on 2017 and I don't want any more catch up craziness for 2018.

Friends - I NEED time with my girlfriends. Working on making more time to have margin for my friends who are life giving and make me feel like a million bucks after being with them! Being intentional to encourage as many of my friends each day as I can, even if it's just a quick text.

Fun - gosh, how sad is it that this is an area that I struggle in the most. I really want to do more experiences this year: try new restaurants, weekend getaways, take the girls to fun places they've never been. We also want to visit more national parks!

What are your goals this year?