RISE + LA Girl's Weekend

Sitting in the airport reflecting on my weekend at the RISE conference. I almost backed out of going 400 times. I had trouble buying my ticket *inner voice: must be a sign that you'll die in the plane on the way over,* was worried about traveling alone *inner voice: you'll miss your flight, you don't know what you're doing,* meeting a bunch of strangers *inner voice: you're going to nervous talk where you say weird things and people will think you're nuts.* L-O-L, literally so sad the way we just speak fear and negativity over ourselves from the itty bitty bullshit committee (thanks for that one Jen Hatmaker!).


What actually happened was... I had the most amazing California weekend with some of my favorite ladies and had truth and life and sisterhood breathed all over me. God knew I needed to be there even when the enemy tried to keep me from experiencing one of the most life giving conferences I've ever been to.


We started the weekend in beautiful LA at Rachel Hollis' HOUSE for a garden party. Have you read Girl, Wash Your Face? Seriously if not, just click that link and order it right away. Every woman should read it. She announced the sequel this weekend and I freakin' can not wait. The party was beautiful with cocktails, fun snacks, beautiful dresses and the hostess herself.


For dinner we took an Uber to Malibu, the only bummer was sunset was way earlier than it is at home so we couldn't see the beautiful coast BUT Malibu Farm was so dreamy and delicious, so even though we drove for a thousand hours to get there it was totally worth it (I may not live that drive down - haha!!).


Rise day 1 was all about our pasts. It was incredibly emotional and beautiful and made me truly proud to be a woman. We all carry so much and can feel so alone even though we have so much more in common that we do differences. We finished the day with a happy hour at our hotel which reminded me so much of Big Sur and we all agreed it was one of our favorite parts of the trip: The Garland. We ate breakfast here every morning. It was the best.


We also spent some time in Silver Lake at Cafe Stella, seeing the LA tourist spots and driving through Beverly Hills, basically looking for Justin Bieber.


Rise Day 2 was all goal setting and personal branding and SO INSPIRING. This year has been personally hard for me, I haven't felt like myself, we've had a lot up in the air and it was just the kick in the pants that I needed. So grateful. We finished the trip with a drive to Santa Monica for walking the pier and lunch at the cutest Little Ruby. Heading home with a grateful and renewed heart. I was reminded that this is something we have to seek out, we have to carve out the time to fill our cups up and make it happen. There is nothing like a getaway with friends that spurs you on and lifts you up. If you've had something like this on your heart, don't wait for permission just do it!!