Creamy Collagen Latte


OK, hear me out. If you love a good latte, you will extra extra love it with collagen, it just makes it so creamy! If you signed up for my weekly emails you may have seen this but wanted to have it here too (sign up for my emails here!).

Creamy Collagen Latte
serves one
You will need:

- unsweetened almond milk 

- two scoops unflavored collagen

- two shots of espresso 

How to make: Use my favorite brass spoon to scoop collagen into your morning mug and then add hot espresso and stir until no lumps are visible. Froth your milk and pour over. YUM! I think it makes the coffee so much creamier and then you get that added protein and hair, skin, and nail benefits! Let me know if you try it.

I make my lattes using this machine, but you could also use this or this!