Hey Boo!


Our festive mantle this year. Pretty simple and easily transitions back to fall/Thanksgiving. My 2020 version of Halloween decor! Ha.

Shared this on instagram this morning, but wanted to share it here too:

“hey boo 👻, no matter what you woke up to, remember you are not alone. focusing on what i can control and leaving the rest in God’s hands. double tap if you are ready to stop worrying and start releasing! what are you up to today? ❤️”

I am SO ready. The past few months have brought so much emotional fatigue and I know I’m not alone in that. The physical demands of motherhood, working from home, zero alone time, a lot of travel (while fun it’s not restful!). Just feeling overwhelmed in a million ways BUT I know God is for us. Keep pressing in, keep trusting, if you are believer dig into God’s word (some easy ways here). Sending you all a giant hug!!

Some sources from this photo: