Starting Our Compost Bins


This weekend we celebrated my baby’s 13th birthday! How?! I can’t believe it. While the girls were playing with a friend that spent the night, Sam and I got our compost bins up and running. We priced out making these ourselves out of cedar and it was more expensive than buying this system, so we went ahead and ordered them and they were very easy to set up.

We have a compost bin on our kitchen counter for egg shells, coffee grinds, fruit and veggie scraps.

The key to composting is having equal parts green (grass clippings, kitchen compost, etc) and brown (leaves, paper without ink, egg shells, anything that comes out of a chipper).

Bin #1 will be where we start, we will turn and when it is halfway done we will start on bin #2 and then #3.


Watch us set it up here!