This week I've been really thinking about the kind of person I want to be. About what people would say about me at my funeral. Morbid, huh? I just want to be a person of substance. Someone that does more than instagram or make things. I want to make a difference. There are a lot of moments in my life that I wish I could do differently. I think a lot about my relationships with people. I want the people in my circle to know how much I love them. As ridiculous as this sounds I've been thinking a lot about Tammy Taylor. She's not a real person, she's a character on Friday Night Lights. Sam and I just started watching it and well, she's my new hero. I love the grace that she possesses under fire, her calm demeanor. She's a really good listener. She handles things so well. I want to be like her. She's a great wife and mother. In the end that's what really matters. What matters is how well we love people, how we glorify God, how we put ourselves last. It's kind of the opposite of that the world tells us to do, I think that's why it seems so unnatural. I'm working on growing up.
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